Termux Advance Command

cd commands 
What is cd? cd means to change the directory and cd used to change the directory of the terminal. There are six Commands of cd 
1. cd (change directory)
 2. cd - (Move one directory back from where you are now)
 3. cd ~ (Move to users have a directory from anywhere) 
4. cd .. (Change current directory to parent directory) 
5. cd -- (Show last working directory from where we moved) 
6. cd / (Change to the root directory)

 ls Commands 

What is ls? 
ls list all current folders and directories There are 12 commands of ls see what they are
 1. ls (list current directory /list folder contents) 
2. ls -l (To show file or directory, size, modified date and time, owner of the file, permission)
3. ls -a (List all files including hidden files ) 4. ls -lh (It show size in human readable format) 
5. ls -F (Used to add the '/' character at the each directory) 
6. ls -r (Used to display files , directories in reverse order) 
7. ls -ltr (Used to show latest modified directory or file date) 
8. ls -n (to display UID and GID directories) 9. ls -i (Display number of file or directory) 10. ls -R (Show recursively list of sub directories) 
11. ls -al (Formatted listing with hidden files) 
12. ls --version (To check the version of ls command)

  cp commands
 What is cp ?
 cp means copy, cp used for copy any type of files folders. The following commands shows different types of cp commands. There are 6 commands of copy
 1. cp (used to copy any files, folders)
2. cp -f (Force copy by removing the destination files)
3.cp -v (Used to print informative message)
4. cp -u (Used to copy when source is newer than dest)
5. cp -R (Used to copy any directory "including hidden files")
6. cp -n (No file overwrite)

mv commands 
What is mv ?
mv means move and it's used for move files and folders
There are six commands of mv
1. mv[Filename] (Used to move any files, folders)
2. mv -f (Force move by overwriting destination files without promote)
3. mv -v (To move any directory, folders)
4. mv -u (Update -move when source is newer than destination)
5. mv -i (Interactive prompt before overwrite)
6. mv [File1][New File2] (Used to move or rename file one to file 2)

unstall commands 
What is rm ?
rm means remove and it's used for remove or delete files.
There are 5 commands of rm
1. rm (To remove or delete files)
2. rmdir [Dir name] (To remove any directory)
3. rm -rf (used to force remove a directory)
4. rm -r[Name] (Delete a directory called name)
5. apt remove [Package name] (Used to remove package)

package installation commands 
What is apt ?
apt is a commandline package manager and provides commands for searching
and managing as well as querying information about packages. It provides the
same functionality as the specialized APT tools.
1. apt update (Used to update list of packages)
2. apt upgrade (To upgrade list of packages)
3. apt install <package> or pkg install <package> (to install packages)

file permission commands 

What is chmod ?
chmod is used to change file permission to make file in executable mode) There are 5 commands of chmod
 1. chmod +x [File name] (Used to give permission{Make executable} to a file or script like .py .sh .rb ) 
2. chmod +x * (Set file permission to all files) 
3.chmod 771 [File name] (Set file permission)
 4. chmod 777 [File name] (Give executable permission to a file)
 5. chmod 777* (Give executable permission to all files)
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Installation of Tools 
git clone [url] (To install tools or script for github) 
wget [url] (To install tools or script from any other website)
curl [url] (To install tool or script for termux) 

 Basic Network Commands 
ifconfig (Shows configuration a network interface for check your local IP, mac address or display the current network interface information)

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