Hello Friends. Today I will make a Powerful Whatsapp Bot.
This Bot is an open-source project on GitHub
Let's start to make a bot
Video Tutorial:
What is WhatsAsena?
WhatsAsena is a WhatsApp helper bot written by Yusuf Usta and edited by
Phaticusthiccy. Do not log into your account It is written on WhatsApp Web
You can generate Asena Session scan QR code. when you scan QR code Asena
Session key is receive on your WhatsApp number
Heroku API Key :-
You can Generate Heroku key on your heroku account settings
Heroku App name :-
You can choose custom name.
Answer a few frequently asked questions
Can you read my messages?
This project is open source so all the codes are clear. Neither less nor
more; you can look what you want. We do not have access to your accounts
What about our security?
If you are concerned about security, you can install it on your computer. If
you think someone else has captured your data, simply click on Whatsapp>
Three Dots> Whatsapp Web> Logout from all sessions button.
Is it paid?
Of course not. It will never happen. But you can donate to us. You can reach
me via Telegram.
What does Asena mean?
Asena comes from
Turkish mythology. According to Turkish mythology, Asena is a she-wolf that
plays an important role
Use Command In Whatsapp Bot
Start Bot Command " .asena "
*🛠 Command:* ```.xmedia```
*💬 Description:* ``` It is a plugin with more than 25 media tools.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.install```
*💬 Description:* ```Install external plugins.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.plugin```
*💬 Description:* ``` Shows the plugins you have installed.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.remove```
*💬 Description:* ``` Removes the plugin.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.ban```
*💬 Description:* ``` Ban someone in the group. Reply to message or tag a
person to use command.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.add```
*💬 Description:* ``` Adds someone to the group.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.promote```
*💬 Description:* ```Makes any person an admin.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.demote```
*💬 Description:* ``` Takes the authority of any admin.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.mute```
*💬 Description:* ```Mute the group chat. Only the admins can send a
*🛠 Command:* ```.unmute```
*💬 Description:* ```Unmute the group chat. Anyone can send a message.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.invite```
*💬 Description:* ``` Provides the group's invitation link.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.afk```
*💬 Description:* ``` It makes you AFK - Away From Keyboard.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.carbon```
*💬 Description:* ```Uses carbon.sh for Text-to-Image```
*⚠️ Warn:* ```Please only type in en and tr character!```
*🛠 Command:* ```.mp4audio```
*💬 Description:* ```Converts video to sound.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.imagesticker```
*💬 Description:* ```Converts the sticker to a photo.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.deepai```
*💬 Description:* ```Runs the most powerful artificial intelligence tools
using artificial neural networks.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.term```
*💬 Description:* ```Allows to run the command on the server's shell.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.ffmpeg```
*💬 Description:* ```Applies the desired ffmpeg filter to the video.
⌨️ Example: .ffmpeg fade=in:0:30```
*⚠️ Warn:* ```Dont use on photos! Only for Videos.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.filter```
*💬 Description:* ```It adds a filter. If someone writes your filter, it
send the answer. If you just write .filter, it show's your filter list.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.stop```
*💬 Description:* ```Stops the filter you added previously.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.welcome```
*💬 Description:* ```It sets the welcome message. If you leave it blank it
shows the welcome message.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.goodbye```
*💬 Description:* ```Sets the goodbye message. If you leave blank, it show's
the goodbye message.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.restart```
*💬 Description:* ```Restart WhatsAsena```
*🛠 Command:* ```.shutdown```
*💬 Description:* ```Shutdown WhatsAsena```
*🛠 Command:* ```.dyno```
*💬 Description:* ```Check heroku dyno usage```
*🛠 Command:* ```.setvar```
*💬 Description:* ```Set heroku config var```
*🛠 Command:* ```.delvar```
*💬 Description:* ```Delete heroku config var```
*🛠 Command:* ```.getvar```
*💬 Description:* ```Get heroku config var```
*🛠 Command:* ```.locate```
*💬 Description:* ```It send your location.```
*⚠️ Warn:* ```Please open your location before using command!```
*🛠 Command:* ```.addlydia```
*💬 Description:* ```Activates Lydia (AI) for the user.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.rmlydia```
*💬 Description:* ```Makes Lydia disabled for the user.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.meme```
*💬 Description:* ```Photo memes you replied to.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.neko```
*💬 Description:* ```Replied messages will be added to nekobin.com.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.ocr```
*💬 Description:* ```Reads the text on the photo you have replied.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.kickme```
*💬 Description:* ```It kicks you from the group you are using it in.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.pp```
*💬 Description:* ```Makes the profile photo what photo you reply.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.block```
*💬 Description:* ```Block user.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.unblock```
*💬 Description:* ```Unblock user.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.jid```
*💬 Description:* ```Giving user's JID.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.removebg```
*💬 Description:* ```Removes the background of the photos.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.scam```
*💬 Description:* ```Creates 5 minutes of fake actions.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.trt```
*💬 Description:* ```It translates with Google Translate. You must reply any
*⌨️ Example:* ```.trt tr it (From Turkish to Italian)```
*🛠 Command:* ```.currency```
*🛠 Command:* ```.tts```
*💬 Description:* ```It converts text to sound.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.song```
*💬 Description:* ```Uploads the song you wrote.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.video```
*💬 Description:* ```Downloads video from YouTube.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.yt```
*💬 Description:* ```It searchs on YouTube.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.wiki```
*💬 Description:* ```Searches query on Wikipedia.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.img```
*💬 Description:* ```Searches for related pics on Google.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.ss```
*💬 Description:* ```Takes a screenshot from the page in the given link.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.spam```
*💬 Description:* ```It spam until you stop it.
⌨️ Example: .spam test```
*🛠 Command:* ```.killspam```
*💬 Description:* ```Stops spam command.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.sticker```
*💬 Description:* ```It converts your replied photo or video to sticker.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.alive```
*💬 Description:* ```Does bot work?```
*🛠 Command:* ```.sysd```
*💬 Description:* ```Shows the system properties.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.tagall```
*💬 Description:* ```Tags everyone in the group.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.ttp```
*💬 Description:* ```Converts text to plain painting.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.unvoice```
*💬 Description:* ```Converts audio to sound recording.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.update```
*💬 Description:* ```Checks the update.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.wallpaper```
*💬 Description:* ```It sends high resolution wallpapers.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.weather```
*💬 Description:* ```Shows the weather.```
*🛠 Command:* ```.speedtest```
*💬 Description:* ```Measures Download and Upload speed.```